Logical and structured approach to solving problems.
The path forward.
You would use 6 Sigma when you want to, for example increase efficiency of a process from x to y or to reduce cost from a to b. These are projects that are done in 4 to 6 months’ time frame. As »
we work using this methodology we also develop your people. People that are involved in the project can be trained and certified at the end of the project. A 6 sigma certification is of significant value all around the world. These people are trained in data analysis methods, problem solving tool, project management and change management.
Solving complex issues.
We use 6 Sigma when you have pressing issues that are complex and needs special skills in doing in-depth analysis and data crunching. We use 6Sigma as a method to solve complex problems »
that are cross-functional and mostly have high financial value proposition. This is one of the most robust problem solving methodologies that also let you build capability while solving issues.
We specialize in the DMAIC approach.
Creating value and reducing waste.
It has its roots in manufacturing and is an integral part of the famous Toyota production system. The philosophy revolves around creating value and reducing waste while engaging people! It is designed to appeal to the shop floor employees in building basic waste vs. value awareness in everything that »
they do. It lays a great focus on the people managers, in developing them in to good listeners, into leaders that empower their employees and experts that know how to bring efficiency into their teams. We also offer tools to the senior management under our management system that helps build capability at the highest level in your organization.
Engaging and empowering your teams!
We help you build an engaged workforce that is aware of waste and value and is motivated to do things better every day. An empathic middle management that supports and empowers their team. A leadership team that is striving towards excellence.
Empowering your employees.
The solution that we offer is comprehensive in tackling all levels of your organization. When you want to move from a hierarchy driven organization into an employee empowered one then we would more recommend that for sure get to know what we have to offer in this space.
Sustainable results!
We also help you build management and support systems that make sure that everything that we create is sustainable. We would love to share with you industry best practices on rewards and recognition system based on performance, Career and more succession planning to retain your talent etc., to sustain the transformation!
One of the most simple yet powerful methodologies
that combine employee engagement and process efficiency!
It is a bottom up approach where the employees are in the center of it!
And it is such a wonderful tool when Organization culture transformation is on your mind...
In implementing this holistic solution
you will be able to build technical and behavioral capability,
there by engaging your people while setting up
a robust system that delivers results!
Management System.
A cockpit that brings you to the target.
Effective and robust goals and targets.
Defining and measuring the right KPIs for your Business is as you know not simple. Whats that much more complex is the ability to monitor it and make it meaningful to ALL employees.
(Re)Defining your KPI.
We offer a comprehensive Hoshin Kari (a LEAN tool) based KPI set up and a data analysis based KPI monitoring. We also help analyze end-to-end business processes to determine their health via Value Stream Analysis.
We are sure that you have heard, read or experienced robotics,
it seems to be the buzzword!
The Team.
We are experienced in implementing Automation and Robotic tools that can integrate and automate most of the processes within a company – from IT operations to business processes and transactions. We target freeing up resources spending valuable time in doing repetitive tasks, thus allowing »
companies and employees to be dedicated to drive business and foster room for creativity, making large companies faster and more versatile.
Unlocking value and becoming agile.
By definition, cost reduction is always a strong focus of every organization. But what would be, if you could not only reduce cost but also become more agile, get more time for innovating your business by using robotic process automation (RPA) that autonomously »
runs your business processes, IT operations and more? That's why we consider Robots rather as new “hires” to work along and complement your workforce so that your employees can focus on providing product or service advice and knowledge. In other words, we believe that humans shall not be used to fill the technology gaps but for their skills, judgment and interpretation.
Our structured approach to Robotics.
Preparing the ground and setting the focus.
Setting the focus.
We help you to identify the processes that shall be automated, mainly highly standardized and frequent executed processes and in what sequence. Finally, we ensure that the right priorities and foundation are set bringing operations into the center of the project governance, self-enabling your »
organization to continuously improve.
Preparing the ground.
In the event that you and us decide to work on Robotics, before moving into a process automation program we will convince you to improve, standardize and stabilize your processes first. The last thing you want to do is automating broken, inefficient, unclear processes and targets. Our Continuous »
Improvement methodology and quick process health check approach will identify the processes to improve and bring them to the right level first.
Continuous Improvement